2 mins read

I haven’t been able to breathe for years, decades, centuries.

I can’t breathe

I can’t breathe because my  small world abhors me

I have lived within a part of it

A tiny drop in the ocean

And I have witnessed its misery


I can’t breathe when children are tortured and killed

No need for pictures.

I can’t breathe when animals are tortured and killed.

No need for pictures.

I can’t breathe when hate is all over the place.

I can’t breathe cause when I try to explain

You suffocate me.

I can’t breathe cause you do not let me.


I can’t breathe cause I do not know where to go

Who to defend?

How to support myself?

I can’t breathe cause I want to take the whole world to a safe place

And then I wonder:

Who is suffocating me, you, the innocent?

It is us I hate

We can’t breathe cause we hate.

It is in our nature,

Who tortures, who kills?

I can’t breathe.

What do you see in the mirror?

Are you all without sin?

No, I can’t breathe.


Who is the evil?

What to attack?

Who is the invisible enemy?

I can’t breathe

Gasping is all

They let me do.

Just to serve their purposes.

Who are you without a purpose?

Can you breathe?


I can’t breathe cause I am afraid.

I can’t breathe cause I have accepted our fate.

I can’t breathe cause people suffocate me.

I can’t breathe cause it will always be this way.

Cause it has always been this way.

I won’t breath until it is changed.



Vicky Sgourelli Author /Publisher at Books with Shoes Publications and Unspotted magazine, EFL/SEN Teacher and Head Director of studies and founder of L.O.V.E (Learn Only Via Empathy) private Language school.